Name reactions can be specified as an advanced search feature for Spaya searches.
The first option, “Use only these reactions” specifies the only name reactions allowed in the search.
You can access this option by ensuring that the toggle button is set to “Use only these reactions”, then by typing your desired name reaction into the search box. As you begin typing, results matching your query should appear in a drop-down list. Select the desired name reaction from the list to add it to the search.
Name reactions need to be selected from the list in order to be used during the search.
To forbid certain name reactions from being used by the Spaya algorithms, toggle the name reactions button towards “Don’t use any of these reactions”.
This feature will forbid any specified reactions from being used in the retrosynthesis. Adding name reactions to the list works in the same way as above, by typing a query into the search box and selecting an item from the drop-down list.
To include name reactions that you would like to be used during the synthesis, but not as the only reactions available to the algorithms, you can use the “Use at least one of these reactions” advanced search feature. Adding name reactions to this search feature works in the same way as above, by typing a query into the search box and then selecting an item from the drop-down list.